If I asked you to create two categories, “personal” and “ministry”, and asked you to put every aspect of your life under one of them, where would you put “family” or “raising kids?” Most of us would …
Amazed by God
Last week, our juniors traveled to Washington D.C. as part of the high school’s “Go Week”- a week in which each class goes off together to engage in team building, leadership training, learning …
I Hate Conflict Art.
I really don’t like conflict. I’m not afraid of it, but rarely do I enjoy it. So much of our lives are about dealing with conflict. Certainly this is true in our relationships with our spouse and …
The Power of Preparation
I always understand when I see young people rejecting the traditions of their parents, at least in the short term. It’s amazing how often they return to them, however. I grew up in a Christian faith …
Acting Like What We Are – Screwtape Version
(Note: During World War II, C.S. Lewis unearthed The Screwtape Letters: notes written by a master demon to his apprentice nephew, in which the former offers advice for tempting human beings under the …
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The Value of Hard Work
I have to admit, I’m challenged when the issue of hard work in school comes up. In our society today, we hear reports about the crushing homework load that students face. As parents, we struggle with …