You know the saying, “nine-tenths of life is just showing up?” In a lot of ways, I think that’s true for parenting, or even just living together and loving each other in community. So much of it has …
Begin With the End in Mind
I’m preparing to take comprehensive exams for my PhD work on Saturday, and my mind is crammed with what most would consider utterly useless information about leadership. As we begin the school year …
Lessons Learned from a College Kid
Our freshman came home from college for the summer. For those of you who have never experienced this, I’ve got to tell you, it’s weird. It’s not like you get back your kid; you get back this …
Changing Seasons
Well, tomorrow’s the day, Lord. I’m standing here, looking at these vehicles- plural -full of stuff, and it’s apparent that she was not paying attention in Coach Thompson’s physics class. She …
When Bad Things are Good Things
If you’ve never been to one of our commencement ceremonies, you’ve missed a real treat. Seeing a large number of students, all of whom have had a steady diet of the gospel poured into them for a …
The Death of a Dream
Little boys always want to be fire fighters or policemen, or professional athletes when they grow up, but not me. I always wanted to be a lawyer. Weird, huh? I come from a long line of lawmen and …