From the minute I first saw you in that hospital room, all blue, with pointy ears, looking more Vulcan than human, part of my heart jumped out of my chest and into yours. I connected with you …
Freedom from Fear
As I said several weeks ago, at Grace Community Church we’re going through 52 weeks of Scripture, highlighting a particular verse each week for consideration. I want to write on those verses from time …
Living and Loving by the Spirit
I have a confession to make. I’m a lawyer. I like to think, to study, and to analyze. I read Grudem’s Systematic Theology…..for fun! I listen to podcasts by Tim Keller, John Piper, and …
The Why
I’ve always found the idea of blogging to be vaguely narcissistic. The idea of writing something every week with the expectation that people will actually read it seems kind of vain, as if I actually …