Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of lights, with whom there is no variation or shadow due to change. -James 1:17 I know at times we all get …
Why I Choose to Stay at Grace
Most of the time, I write blogs based upon some particular topic the Lord has given me for that week, or something that’s happening in the world around us. Mark Batteson once called writing, “praying …
A Time to Mourn
After multiple years of annual Bible read-throughs, in this new year the Lord has led me to slow down, focusing and meditating on short passages of Scripture. Over the past couple of weeks, I have …
Thanksgiving in a Pandemic
As crazy as this year has been, it has been a banner year for gallows humor. One of my favorite things about this year has been the memes commenting on 2020: “Turns out the Mayans were only off by …
Marvel and the Metanarrative
One of the good things to happen during COVID is that I discovered Disney + (I guess everyone did). It has given me a chance to watch some of the Marvel movies over again. I have to confess, I’m a …
2020 In the Mirror
As I write this blog, we’re not quite sure who will win the presidential election. By the time you read it, you may know. One thing is for certain, though. The many events of the year, whether the …