One of my favorite books of all time, A Tale of Two Cities, also begins with one of the best opening lines of all time, describing the era surrounding the French Revolution, but also notably evocative …
Parenting from Fear
There is a place for fear in parenting kids. Fear can be a very useful device. For example, if your child is in the street and a car is bearing down on her at 45 mph, fear for her safety is a …
The Best Day
If you ask kids whether they prefer Easter or Christmas, we all know which one they’d pick. But, growing up, I always wondered why we didn’t make a bigger deal of Easter than Christmas. Even as a kid, …
Life as Ministry
It seems as though we’ve done ourselves a disservice in thinking about what constitutes actual discipleship, and it’s helpful when people come around from time to time to remind us what it looks …
Victor or Victim?
I’m sitting in my office with a heavy heart tonight, grieving the loss of three students and three adults shot to death at Covenant School, a private Christian school in Nashville. All such events …
Partnering with Promise
Over the years, our school has had the opportunity to partner with a lot of great ministries for the advancement of God’s Kingdom in Tyler and beyond. Perhaps the partnership that has brought us the …