This year, our school theme is “Battle Tested,” and we’ve been looking at several of the many ways the devil attacks us, so that we will not be ignorant of his schemes, and so that, by the power of …
Being in Christ
We all love taking self-assessments, don’t we? Whether it’s the Culture Index, the DISC, the Myer-Briggs, the Enneagram, or the Strengthsfinder, we all want to know more about ourselves. In the vein …
God’s Daughters
I have always had a deep appreciation for women. It probably stems from the fact that I have been influenced greatly by strong women. I grew up in a house full of women: a mom, a sister, two …
Parent’s Choice
I know you’ve heard a lot about school choice, parent choice, actually, and I want to talk about it today, because it’s really important for us and for others. I have served on the board of the …
A People of Story
In the September 2023 issue of The Atlantic, David Brooks writes a great article entitled, How America Got Mean. As the title indicates, Brooks deals with two fundamental crises facing American …
The Problem of Pain
Among other things, being a head of school is a pastoral gig. It’s shepherding people, teaching and praying, caring and guiding, and walking people through pain. I don’t have a pulpit, per se. I like …