Several times in this blog I’ve addressed the difficulties of raising distinctively-Christian kids in a post-Christian culture, or, using a shorthand term (to the biblically literate) “raising Daniels …
Digital Dilemmas
One of the most common questions I get from parents is “when is my kid old enough to have a cellphone?” or some other digital device. Closely associated with it is, “when is he or she old enough to …
Lessons Learned from a College Kid
Our freshman came home from college for the summer. For those of you who have never experienced this, I’ve got to tell you, it’s weird. It’s not like you get back your kid; you get back this …
Raising Cain (and Abel, and Bob, and Larry, and…)
I admit that my experience in raising boys is limited. It should come as no surprise to you that I am, in fact, male, and I know how I was raised, good and bad. I have been here at Grace long enough …
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Girl Daddies
I grew up in a house full of women, with three sisters and a mom. I live in a house full of women: a wife, three daughters, and a female faux-dog. Still, I fully admit that I know virtually nothing …
Love Their Mom (or Dad)
I remember like it was yesterday. I was standing up there, middle of the day, wearing a morning suit, looking like I was heading to breakfast at Wimbledon to have tea and crumpets with the …