I have a crepe myrtle tree on my back patio that holds a special place in my heart. It’s not the prettiest tree in my yard, or the biggest. Yet, each year, as my three girls headed off to their first day of school, their mama would stand them in front of that crepe myrtle and take their picture. For 16 years, first one, then two, then three, then two, now one again. At first, eager to be heading off to school, shiny new patent leather and plastic lunchboxes reflecting excited snaggle-toothed smiles. Years later, reluctant, awkward angles and uncertain grins as they tentatively embraced a new year of goofy, emerging adolescence. Finally, hastily applied eye make-up and mildly-irritated eye rolls as they sprinted out the door, on to early morning activity and out of our everyday lives forever.
I love that tree- a faithful backdrop to beautiful childhoods well lived.
As you listen to my voice, you’ve just dropped your kids off for another first day of school. For some of you, it’s the first time ever. For others, it’s your child’s last first day at Grace. Whether you’re a first-timer at Grace, or a grizzled veteran like me, you’ve already made one of the most important decisions you can make as a parent by bringing them here. After 15 years of experience, watching kids leave this school and become faithful presences in their universities and communities for the gospel where they work, live, and play has taught me that you have also made one of your best decisions. But, choosing well is only part of the work. I want to encourage you to maximize your family’s experience at Grace, as Ashley and I have been blessed to do, by becoming involved in everything Grace has to offer.
First, please pray for your children, their teachers, and this community. Every morning this year, when that car door slams and your kids run off to school, rather than turning up ESPN or Kidd Kraddick immediately, would you take a minute to pray for our school community: for safety, grace, mercy, patience, and unity? Wouldn’t it be incredible to see how God took every one of our ordinary words to Him and transformed this school in extraordinary ways?
Second, please reach out to other parents within your kids’ classes to build friendships. In the day of digital communication and lots of mobility, it seems like we’re not as good at building relationships as we before. Much of the power of this place is the strength of its community. But, your ability to enjoy that community, to fully take advantage of it and allow your kids to thrive in it, depends on you. Some of my greatest memories of my kids’ time at Grace are the times I spent with their friends’ parents. Some of my deepest relationships were forged in doing life together: doing home repairs with other dads for a single school mom, going on daddy-daughter canoe trips, and watching our kids’ ball games. Almost everything I now know as a parent I learned from these wise men and women, as we did life side by side. But, I had to reach out first.
Finally, be involved in the school. We are less of a school without you engaged in it. Help make us stronger by using your gifts. Are you a builder? Do you have a great testimony? Do you love to bake? Or, re you just a hard worker? When you have the chance to give what God has given you, and you will have many chances at our school, please take advantage.
Tomorrow, we’re moving our middle child into Baylor. I know how that will end: I’m going to drive home, sit in my backyard, play some Hank Williams (senior, not junior… please) and stare for a little while at that tree. I’ll be sad, but mostly grateful. Grateful for the investment these teachers (and many of you) have made in the lives of my children, and that we’ve made in yours; Grateful for God’s work through this amazing school in growing and shaping men and women with a love for Jesus Christ and a profound sense of calling for over 40 years. Grateful that this is my home, and grateful that you’re a part of our family, too. And, I’ll pray for you and for your kids, that you’ll be fully invested in all this redemptive community has to offer, and that you and your children will reap all the blessings that come with it. Have a great school year, and thank you for being a part of Grace.
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